The save system uses a modified version of the popular Newtonsoft Json.NET library, which provides a powerful, feature-rich and performant API for serialization.
For more information check out Json.NET official documentation.
Also, take a look at the Supported Data Types for more information on what kind of data is supported.
- Serializes circular references
- Supports serializing objects by reference
- Deserializes polymorphic properties and collections
- Supports including type names with JSON
- Supports excluding null values when serializing
- Conditional property serialization
- Camel case JSON property names
- Non-default constructors support
- Supports populating an existing object
- Efficiently serializes byte arrays as base64 text
- Handles NaN, Infinity, -Infinity and undefined
- Handles JavaScript constructors
- Serializes ISerializable objects
- Supports serializing enums to their text name
- Attribute property name customization
- Attribute property order customization
- Attribute property required customization
- Supports ISO8601 dates
- Supports JavaScript constructor dates
- Unquoted property names support
- Raw JSON support
- Deserializes anonymous types
- Opt-in and Opt-out property serialization
- Efficiently stream reading and writing JSON
- Single or double quote JSON content
- Supports overriding a type's serialization
- Supports OnDeserialized, OnSerializing, OnSerialized and OnDeserializing attributes
- Supports serializing private properties
- DefaultValue attribute support
- Case-insensitive property deserialization
- Serializes read-only and immutable collections
- Supports serialization extension data
- Supports reading and writing comments
- Indented JSON output
- Serializes Unity objects with reference if available (using Scene Reference Resolver and Asset Reference Resolver)
- Serializes ScriptableObjects if the
Serialize Scriptable Objects
option is enabled
You can change the serialization settings through JsonSerializerSettings
or through the Json Serializer Settings Preset, which a Default preset is included.
void Start() {
JsonSerializerSettings settings = SaveSystemSettings.DefaultJsonSerializerSettings;
settings.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
GameObject Serialization Manager Window
You can open up the GameObject Serialization Manager Window through the Window > Bayat > Json > GameObject Serialization Manager menu:
This window lets you manage GameObject Serialization Handler components in your scene through a single place that provides an easy way to add / remove components and children for serialization and also lets you add / remove GameObject Serialization Handler components from game objects in the scene.
Once you add the GameObject Serialization Handler component to an object or that object already have one, the window will display the GameObject Serialization component information on the right pane:
That lets you modify them more easily.
GameObject Serialization Handler Component
The GameObject Serialization Handler component allows you to specify which children and components of a GameObject should be serialized, you can also prevent serialization of children and components at all.
- Serialize Children: Enables serialization of the GameObject children.
- Serialize Components: Enables serialization of the GameObject components.
- Serialize Excluded Children: Inverts the serialization of the GameObject children using the Excluded Children list that means instead of excluding them, it will only serialize the children that are included in the list.
- Serialize Excluded Components: Inverts the serialization of the GameObject components using the Excluded Components list that means instead of excluding them, it will only serialize the components that are included in the list.
- Excluded Children: The list of excluded children, if the Serialize Excluded Children option is not set, it prevents the children in this list from being serialized, otherwise it'll only serialize the children included in this list.
- Excluded Components: The list of excluded components, if the Serialize Excluded Components option is not set, it prevents the components in this list from being serialized, otherwise it'll only serialize the components included in this list.
Some components in Unity require a custom converter to be saved and loaded without problems such as Cameras and they are quite error-prone, so this is a better idea to exclude them instead of serializing them, to do so use the GameObject Serialization Handler or Auto Save component to exclude these kind of components, but if you really need to save and load them, please reach out to support for more information on how to do so.
For more information about attributes, check out Json.NET official documentaiton.
Conditional Property Serialization
For more information about conditional property serialization, check out Json.NET official documentaiton.