If you're a returning user from whether Easy Save or Save Game Pro and want to migrate your existing game / app to Save System, keep reading to learn how to migrate your data.
First, for migrating the data, the data should be loaded to its C# object representation, so you should know the data type of your saved data in order to migrate it to new system, then the data is saved using the new system and you're ready to use it from further on.
Migrating from Easy Save
Easy Save 2
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Bayat.SaveSystem.Migration;
public class SaveGameTest : MonoBehaviour
public string identifier = "test.txt";
async void Start()
// Migrate the data if it is not already migrated
if (!await EasySave2Migration.IsMigrated(identifier))
// The data type here is a string, but you should change it based on your stored data using the prevoius system
await EasySave2Migration.Migrate<string>(identifier);
Easy Save 3
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Bayat.SaveSystem.Migration;
public class SaveGameTest : MonoBehaviour
public string identifier = "test.txt";
async void Start()
// Migrate the data if it is not already migrated
if (!await EasySave3Migration.IsMigrated(identifier))
// The data type here is a string, but you should change it based on your stored data using the prevoius system
await EasySave3Migration.Migrate<string>(identifier);
Migrating from Save Game Pro
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Bayat.SaveSystem.Migration;
using BayatGames.SaveGamePro;
public class SaveGameTest : MonoBehaviour
public string identifier = "test.txt";
async void Start()
// Migrate the data if it is not already migrated
if (!await SaveGameProMigration.IsMigrated(identifier))
// The data type here is a string, but you should change it based on your stored data using the prevoius system
await SaveGameProMigration.Migrate<string>(identifier);