Backup the Data
You can create a new backup from the saved data by using the SaveSystemAPI.CreateBackupAsync
and then restore the latest backup by calling the SaveSystemAPI.RestoreLatestBackupAsync
method or restore a specific backup by using the SaveSystemAPI.RestoreBackupAsync
Learn more about the Backup feature >
Creating and Restoring a Backup
async void Start() {
// The identifier of the saved data to create a backup for.
string identifier = "name.json";
// A sample data to demonstrate the before / after of restoring a backup
string data = "The sample data";
// Saving a sample data
await SaveSystemAPI.SaveAsync(identifier, data);
// Create a new backup
await SaveSystemAPI.CreateBackupAsync(identifier);
// Modifying the data and saving it again to have a different version than of the backup
data = "New Data!";
await SaveSystemAPI.SaveAsync(identifier, data);
// And then restore the backup
await SaveSystemAPI.RestoreLatestBackupAsync(identifier);
// Now, load the data to see the result
data = await SaveSystemAPI.LoadAsync<string>(identifier);
Debug.Log(data); // Outputs "The sample data"