Supported Types
Save Game Pro supports almost all types:
- Simple Types
- Primitive Types such as Numbers, Strings, Booleans
- Built-in Value Types
- Custom Types
- User Defined Classes
- User Defined Structs
- Custom Classes
- Custom Structs
- Collections
- Array
- List
- Dictionary
- Stack
- Queue
- HashSet
- …
- UnityEngine Types
- Vector2, Vector3, Vector4
- GameObject
- Transform
- Quaternion
- Mesh
- Components
- and many more… (+200)
Also, you can create your own custom type to add support for types that can’t be saved and loaded by built-in Save Game Pro types.
Here is the full list of available supported types:
- AnchoredJoint2D
- Animation
- AnimationClip
- AnimationCurve
- AnimationEvent
- AnimationState
- AnimationTriggers
- Animator
- AnimatorControllerParameter
- AnimatorOverrideController
- AreaEffector2D
- AspectRatioFitter
- AudioChorusFilter
- AudioClip
- AudioConfiguration
- AudioDistortionFilter
- AudioEchoFilter
- AudioHighPassFilter
- AudioListener
- AudioLowPassFilter
- AudioMixer
- AudioMixerGroup
- AudioReverbFilter
- AudioReverbZone
- AudioSource
- Avatar
- AvatarMask
- BillboardAsset
- BillboardRenderer
- BoneWeight
- Bounds
- BoxCollider
- BoxCollider2D
- BuoyancyEffector2D
- Button
- Camera
- CanvasScaler
- CapsuleCollider
- CapsuleCollider2D
- CharacterController
- CharacterInfo
- CharacterJoint
- CircleCollider2D
- Cloth
- Collider
- Collider2D
- CollisionModule
- Color
- Color32
- ColorBlock
- ColorBySpeedModule
- ColorOverLifetimeModule
- CompositeCollider2D
- ConfigurableJoint
- ConstantForce
- ConstantForce2D
- ContentSizeFitter
- CullingGroup
- CustomDataModule
- DetailPrototype
- DistanceJoint2D
- Dropdown
- EdgeCollider2D
- Effector2D
- EmissionModule
- EventSystem
- EventTrigger
- ExternalForcesModule
- FixedJoint
- FixedJoint2D
- Flare
- FlareLayer
- Font
- FontData
- ForceOverLifetimeModule
- FrictionJoint2D
- Gradient
- GradientAlphaKey
- GradientColorKey
- GraphicRaycaster
- GridLayoutGroup
- HingeJoint
- HingeJoint2D
- HorizontalLayoutGroup
- Image
- InheritVelocityModule
- InputField
- JointAngleLimits2D
- JointDrive
- JointLimits
- JointMotor
- JointMotor2D
- JointSpring
- JointSuspension2D
- JointTranslationLimits2D
- Keyframe
- LayerMask
- LayoutElement
- LensFlare
- Light
- LightmapData
- LightProbeGroup
- LightProbeProxyVolume
- LightProbes
- LightsModule
- LimitVelocityOverLifetimeModule
- LineRenderer
- MainModule
- Mask
- Material
- Matrix4x4
- Mesh
- MeshCollider
- MeshFilter
- MeshRenderer
- MinMaxCurve
- MinMaxGradient
- Motion
- Navigation
- NavMeshAgent
- NavMeshData
- NavMeshDataInstance
- NavMeshHit
- NavMeshLinkData
- NavMeshLinkInstance
- NavMeshObstacle
- NavMeshQueryFilter
- NavMeshTriangulation
- NoiseModule
- OcclusionArea
- OcclusionPortal
- OffMeshLink
- OptionData
- OptionDataList
- Outline
- ParticleSystem
- PhysicMaterial
- PlatformEffector2D
- PointEffector2D
- PolygonCollider2D
- Projector
- Quaternion
- RawImage
- Ray
- Ray2D
- RaycastHit
- RaycastHit2D
- Rect
- RectMask2D
- RectTransform
- RelativeJoint2D
- RenderTexture
- RenderTextureDescriptor
- Rigidbody
- Rigidbody2D
- RotationBySpeedModule
- RotationOverLifetimeModule
- RuntimeAnimatorController
- Scrollbar
- ScrollRect
- Shader
- Shadow
- ShapeModule
- SizeBySpeedModule
- SizeOverLifetimeModule
- SkinnedMeshRenderer
- Skybox
- Slider
- SliderJoint2D
- SoftJointLimit
- SoftJointLimitSpring
- SortingGroup
- SparseTexture
- SphereCollider
- SpringJoint
- SpringJoint2D
- Sprite
- SpriteMask
- SpriteRenderer
- SpriteState
- StandaloneInputModule
- SubEmittersModule
- SurfaceEffector2D
- TargetJoint2D
- Terrain
- TerrainCollider
- TerrainData
- Text
- TextMesh
- Texture
- Texture2D
- Texture2DArray
- Texture3D
- TextureSheetAnimationModule
- Toggle
- ToggleGroup
- Touch
- TrailModule
- TrailRenderer
- Transform
- Tree
- TreeInstance
- TreePrototype
- TriggerModule
- Vector2
- Vector3
- Vector4
- VelocityOverLifetimeModule
- VerticalLayoutGroup
- VideoClip
- VideoPlayer
- WheelCollider
- WheelFrictionCurve
- WheelHit
- WheelJoint2D
- WindZone